Navy wins their 10th consecutive Inter-Services Gymnastics Championships Title

The 45th Inter Services Gymnastics Championships just concluded at AIPT in Pune. They were held from the 12th to the 15th of November. This competition is extremely prestigious among the Services teams. The main contenders for the title among the men were the Navy, Army Red, Army Green and Air Force teams, however in the end, the Navy team emerged the champions winning the final for the 10th consecutive year. Supported by the leadership of leading Indian gymnast, Rakesh Patra, the team trains at INS Hamla in Malad, under the guidance of coaches, BL Bayaskar and Aswini Samatrey. The team scored a whopping 382.40 to secure a comfortable victory over the Army Red team that scored 374.50. The Air Force team sneaked in a third place finish with 355.95.

Here are the detailed results with an event break up:


Rank   Team Final Score Floor Exercise Pommel Horse Still Rings Vault Parallel Bars Horizontal Bar
1   Indian Navy 382.40 60.45 62.45 61.55 67.30 66.90 63.75
2   Army Red 374.50 62.85 60.60 60.90 66.25 63.55 60.35
3   Indian Air Force 355.95 59.85 51.95 57.20 65.95 62.00 59.00
4   Army Green 353.30 59.20 57.65 56.55 63.45 60.55 55.90

All Around

Rank   Name Team Score
1   Abhijeet Kumar Indian Navy 77.30
2  Yogeshwar Singh Army Red 76.85
3   Gaurav Kumar Indian Navy 75.00

Floor Exercise

Rank   Name Team Score
1   Yogeshwar Singh  Army Red  13.200
2   Chandan Pathak  Army Red  12.925
3   Roopkanta Sharma  Army Green  12.825

Pommel Horse

Rank   Name Team Score
1   Manpreet Air Force  12.875
2   Chandan Pathak Army Red  12.525
3   Abhijeet Kumar Indian Navy  12.275

Still Rings

Rank   Name Team Score
1  Rakesh Patra Indian Navy 14.100
2  Yogeshwar Singh Army Red 12.400
3  Gaurav Kumar Indian Navy 12.150


Rank   Name Team Score
1   Arik Dey Indian Navy 12.700
2  Kaushik Kazi Air Force 12.675
3  Debang Dey Army Red 12.537

Parallel Bars

Rank   Name Team Score
1  Rakesh Patra Indian Navy  14.075
2  Dhan Bahadur Army Red  13.400
3  Yogeshwar Singh Army Red  13.350

Horizontal Bar

Rank   Name Team Score
1  Abhijeet Kumar  Indian Navy 13.175
2  Debang Dey  Army Red  12.275
3  Saif Tamboli  Indian Navy 12.225


By Aditi Gandhi