First FIG Level – 01 Academy in India

The International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) has approved an FIG Level 1 Academy in Artistic Gymnastics (MAG & WAG) to be conducted at Mota Fofaliya, Gujarat during 17th to 24th February 2019.
This will be the first time ever that FIG Academy will be hosted in India.


The Academy is the flagship coaching program of the FIG and will be conducted under its aegis and supervision. All the experts for the conduct of the Academy will also be deputed by FIG. This Academy will be in English Language.

The Academy is open for participation by Coaches of India and for which GFI invite applications.
GFI also intend to encourage the senior active and recently retired gymnasts to take up the Academy Course so that they may explore coaching going forward and to have a good pool of coaches for future.

You Can get in touch with your State Gymnastics Association for further details and registration process. You can also write to Gymnastics Federation of India at for any queries in this regards.

Source – GFI Facebook Page