Making Dreams Alive | S01E07 | Rebuilding a Gymnast

Injuries are often seen in gymnastics. They must be treated well and in a small time frame. Watch our physiotherapists discuss what goes into rebuilding a gymnast post injury. The biomechanics, body type, kind of injury and the impact it will have on the gymnast.

About The Gymnast
The Gymnast is an academy where the goal is to provide a safe, positive and fun experience for all from toddlers to ‘veteran’ gymnasts.The coaching is led by Harish Parab (Shiv Chhatrapati award winner for best coach 2013-14), High Performance Coach with 20+ experience of coaching in Gymnastics and Mallakhamb. He is ably assisted by a large team of coaches. For more goto

Indian Gymnastics Production
Association with The Gymnast ( and Prabodhankar Thackeray Krida Sankul (

Created by
Kushan (

Music from
YouTube Audio Library

Harish Parab, Pradeep Pawar, Videsh Dabade, Manish Shinde , Swapna Parab, Kalpesh Jadhav, Balwant Potekar, Bhaskar Naidu, Nisha Maluste

Vandita Raval, Aditi Gandhi, Dwija Asher, Urvi Abhyankar, Anushree Vedpathak, Shravani Vaidya, Mrunmayee Joshi, Anushka Pawar, Aditi Marathe, Bhavana Kadam, Eshitaa Rewale, Juilee Prabhu, Diya Chopra

Thanks to
Dr. Ramesh Prabhoo, Arvind Prabhoo, Dr. Mohan Rane and Raju Rawal

Filmed at
Prabodhankar Thackeray Krida Sankul and Shree Shiv Chhatrapati Sports Complex

Rakesh Nigudkar, Prasad Chendwankar, Santosh Gupta, Rohit Sathu, Deep Upadhyay

Dr. Tapan Ashar, Dr. Vaibhav patil, Dr. Sandeep Gaikwad and Dr. Ajay Kharat

Dr. Chaitanya Bhade and Dr. Krushmi Cheda

Amruta Karkhanis

Akshata Shete